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What to Do Before and After a Spray Tan?

What to Do Before and After a Spray Tan | The Spa MD In Rochester Hills, MI

A bespoke spray tan is the best method to achieve that lovely, healthy glow. There are a few spray tan recommendations to help you get the most out of your tan, even while they may leave your skin feeling and look wonderful after application.

Getting the most out of your spray tan requires planning for your appointment and paying attention to aftercare instructions. Of course, you should always take good care of your skin whether or not you have a spray tan.

For your skin to remain flawless from the time you leave the studio until your next tan, let’s look at some before and aftercare advice for spray tans.

Get Ready for the Spray!

Ready to put on some radiance? What you should do in the days before your spray tan session is listed below.

Understand the process

When the spray nozzles switch on for the first time, you could become anxious. But don’t worry! So that you don’t end up looking like Ross, your tanning professional can guide you through the procedure. Additionally, they will discuss your intended outcomes and advise on the appropriate shade to use.

You might want to stay with a lighter hue if it’s your first time. You may then determine the appropriate shade going ahead. Additionally, the benefits of a spray tan are that it sometimes appears darker before you take a shower. So, if the initial tint is deeper than you anticipated, don’t panic.

Get rid of body hair.

The body hair game has no shame! Just be aware that a spray tan might cause your hair to become dry or discolored. People, we’re talking blazing orange pubic hair here. Therefore, you might wish to shave one or two days before your appointment.

Not the best time to schedule a body wax before getting a spray tan. Spray tanners can leave behind dark spots and irritate the skin when they spray directly over open pores.

Cleanse and exfoliate your skin.

Showering before getting a spray tan is not only polite. You may possibly get greater outcomes from it! You don’t want sweat to prevent the spray tan from seeping evenly into your skin.

Additionally, you should exfoliate for at least three days before getting a spray tan. This gives your body a higher foundation and may provide better outcomes. A loofah, dry brushes, or scrubs should work.

Look the part.

Setting up a spray tan takes time. Because of this, wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your visit. Wearing clothes that is too tight might smear your skin. Wearing dark clothing or an old t-shirt is your best choice to avoid worrying about stains.

So that you know, you should also put your jewelry away. Necklaces, bracelets, and rings can all affect your outcomes.

Consult with your spray tan provider.

Pre-spray conversation with your spray tan specialist might be very beneficial. To mention are the following:

  • Would you want a contour?
  • Do you want a spray tan on your face?
  • What color would suit your skin tone the best?
  • Do they need to be aware of any skin sensitivities you may have?

Spray Tan Aftercare


Wear loose-fitting garments after tanning to prevent rubbing off or an uneven appearance. Sandals with a long, black t-shirt dress are the ideal attire. Avoid donning anything constricted, such as jeans, leggings, or sneakers.


Avoid wearing a bra or underwear immediately after getting a spray tan, despite what it may sound like. Choose a loose, dark pair of underwear if you decide to wear them since the spray tan solution may stain nylon or Lycra (it washes out of most fabrics, though). Pick a bandeau or strapless design if you wish to wear a bra.


You should stay out of any dampness for at least 4-5 hours after getting a spray tan to let your tan develop. Showering, exercise, hot yoga, lotions, liquid foundation, etc., are all included. The spray tan solution will stick to your skin better if you remain dry.

Showering should be done no later than four hours after getting a spray tan and no later than twenty-four hours. Be careful and only use oil-free cleaners when you do take a shower. Use just the palm to gently wash off the surface bronzer, and avoid using any exfoliants. Avoid using hot water, drying soaps, strong cleaning agents, and other chemicals. Rub-free drying is preferable to rubbing.


Apply an oil-free moisturizer after your shower. Compared to dry, thirsty skin, hydrated skin keeps it’s tan longer. Remember the preceding spray tan aftercare advice to keep dry and to delay moisturizing for at least 4 hours.

The first 24 hours following your spray tan will be easier to manage if you follow these aftercare guidelines, but maintaining a perfect tan between sessions still requires proper maintenance.


Can you wear makeup over a new spray tan? This is a common question. But as with any wetness, you should aim to wait at least 6 to 8 hours after your spray tan before using any makeup. Using makeup or any other moisturizer might blot or change the color of a recent spray tan.


While bronzed skin is undeniably attractive, you shouldn’t spend all day in the sun tanning. UV rays may age your skin and produce wrinkles, raising your risk of skin cancer. Even if you don’t anticipate spending much time outside, always use sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15. Your skin’s health can be impacted by even a little sun exposure sometimes.

It makes sense that our skin would become exhausted after all we put it to, from shaving and washing to experimenting with different cosmetics. Try these suggestions to assist your skin in healing and adhering to proper spray tan aftercare:

  • Instead of long, hot showers, choose shorter, cooler ones.
  • Stay away from soaps with powerful ingredients that peel
  • To moisturize your skin when shaving, use shaving cream.
  • Instead of scrubbing your skin dry, pat it.
  • Daily moisturizing


Your diet greatly impacts your skin’s health and may make you feel and look your best. Consume a lot of fresh produce, healthy grains, and lean proteins. Try taking supplements like fish oil to nourish skin and avoid trans fats and processed and refined carbs.


You are drinking plenty of water that benefits your body as a whole as well as your skin. One suggestion is to have eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day (64 ounces). Another recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces. You would drink 75 ounces, for instance, if you weighed 150 pounds.

Although these spray tan aftercare suggestions have nothing to do with the spray tan itself, they encourage healthy skin, which is essential for developing a radiant tan.

Self-tanning may be messy if you do it alone, so you might want to consider employing an expert to give you that summer glow instead. Make reservations at The Spa MD to get your glow.

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